
Here at 15th Airedale Scouts we have three groups you can enrol your child whether they are 6 or 14. Each group meets on different days of the week so there will always be something you can be iterested in doing at your session!

Click the buttons below to be taken to the information sections about each group and to find out how to become a beaver, cub, or scout.

the back of two scouts.

Ready to join?

Join one of our tester sessions or fill out our membership form below.

  • Become a member

  • a group of beavers using a magnifying glass.

    Being a Beaver

    You are the youngest of the group and will have mountains of fun playing games and meeting new friends all whilst earning new badges to display on your uniform. You will also learn new skills and help others. Each week you will meet up at 6pm on a Tuesday with your fellow Beavers!

    two beavers putting their map reading skills to good use.

    Beaver Awards

    As soon as you join you can start earning as many awards as you like all the way up to the Chief Scout's Bronze Award (this is the last one as a beaver). By playing games and learning new skills you can earn other ones such as the Teamwork Challenge Award. Have fun earning those awards!

    a group of cubs enjoying the outdoors.

    Moving up to Cubs

    Unfortunately you cannot stay a Beaver forever, so your time will come when you move up to Cubs. You can do this after you earn your Moving On award which involves spending three weeks with the Cubs and still being a Beaver so you will get to know all about cubs, therefore it will be a smoother move.

    Ordering a Beaver's uniform

    Contact details

    Uniform Size


    a few cubs making friends.

    Being a Cub

    You are now part of the next group and will now get to do more challenging activities and test your adventurous skills. Don't forget the new awards too! You will also learn new skills and help others. Each week you will meet in your cub pack at 6:30pm each Monday!

    some cubs getting new awards.

    Cubs Awards

    Now you have chance to earn the Cheif Scout Silver Award as well as more challenge awards. Now you're a cub you have the chance to earn Activity and Staged Badges when you become an expert in an activity such as photography or athletics.

    scouts at a parade.

    Moving up to Scouts

    Unfortunately you cannot stay a Cub forever, onto the next stage! You can do this after you earn your Moving On award which involves spending three weeks with the Scouts and still being a Cub so you will get to know all about cubs, therefore it will be a another smoother move.

    Ordering a Cub's uniform

    Contact details

    Uniform Size

    a budding scout flying a kite.

    Being a Scout

    Now you are a Scout you will meet up weekly in groups known as Scout Troops. You will try and complete the small task of changing the world. Give it all you've got and make your Scout leaders proud. Continue to learn new skills and most importantly help pthers wherever you can!

    one of the scouts earnig a badge.

    Scout Awards

    Now you will have the bronze and silver but now it is time to work towards earning your Chief Scout Gold Award! To do this you need to earn nine challenge awards and 6 activity ones. Not only will you earn the gold award but also you will master skills that you can into the world beyond Scouts.

    one of the boys running with a plane.

    After Scouts

    Once you turn 14 you can no longer be a Scout, it is time to become an Explorer. However, you might have to travel further to meet your fellow Explorers as they are run in districts. By completing the MOving On badge this will prepare you for this next step but most of all, enjoy it!

    Ordering a Scout's uniform

    Contact details

    Uniform Size
